Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Albert Mann: Final Exam

1.      The 2nd semester project was a group project that makes you create a product to produce and publish for a presentation. The project uses all the skills you learn throughout 1st semester and a little in 2nd semester. The project also lets you use communication skills to work together and to have fun meeting new peers. unless you're lucky and get your best friend etc.

     The project took as long as the days that we were given to us. I can't really explain on how long the project took other than that each graphic design were finished on time. the video took a little longer to edit and the animation needed more time to finish. The 2d one.

     Challenges on the project were probably the video because it took forever to gain access to the gym. All of the gyms were being used in the morning for once until someone was fine with us shooting the video during their class time.

     I learned that making a product takes a lot longer than I thought it would be. Working with others has never been my strong suit and I learned that it will never be my strong suit. Making an animation with little remembrance is very annoying. I also learned that communication is key in group projects.

     I don't remember any feedback for our presentation other than that the video was really good. And that the confidence in us were great.

     There was very little change with the graphic designs and the video. other changes were mostly in the website with the arrangements. Also changes to what the websites colors were going to be and the  pages to which link will go to.

     My overall work in 4th quarter was pretty bad. But that is only for animations, the 2d animations. my graphic designs were good and better than how I would make before. That kinda would go for my editing in video, I would work more in editing and earning over the software. That goes for the animation as well.

     2.     Most of the class time was put into creating the graphic designs and the 2d animation. Though my animation wasn't used and my ad was the design that was used only. I wasted most of time in video.

     Using productivity mostly went on making graphic designs and a little in my animation. when I finished, I went and sees if I can make it look better or try something that would work on the graphic design. When I finished editing my video, I was done and didn't do anything else.

     Doing things outside of class would be drawing things that I would like to see happen. Like my moms logo that I still need the make. I also watch youtubers that have really good editing in their videos. One of the you tubers I watch is really good at more of a 3d animation and 2d animations.

     3.    Find something I'm good at and exploit that ability to its fullest to show what I'm capable of. That only happens with my drawings. Anything else will show lazy work unless I'm into it. Also if I'm into what I'm doing, I will try my best to make it the I what it to that will look good.

     4.   Improvements for me would be to figure out more about each software to show my abilities. More improvements in animating that would look good to me. I don't care if someone thinks its bad when I think its good.

5.     What I loved the most about this semester was using everything that was taught to us students to create one entire product. I also loved that I got to be in olsons and coopers class again.

     I wouldn't change much of anything unless the presentation can go away permanently. other than that, I see nothing wring with how the system works.

     One goal I would like to make for next year is to go by the days with nothing to lose. going through life finishing things before I lose the chance in my life.

My final thoughts on anything is that next year for Ecomm is going to be a good one to where I won't quit.