Tuesday, September 12, 2017



     What I learned with using photoshop is that it is not easy to use during the beginning (for me) of photoshopping certain pictures. I learned about certain tools that lets you photoshop pictures. Like the clone stamp tool, having to take a part of the picture and fill it in another spot of the picture. I also learned to merge pictures together to make it into one picture. Also to have creating each product with each set of tools recommended for each picture.

3 Three Key Tools Important for Photoshop

     The Lasso Tool:
A tool used to close in on certain areas of the picture and to proceed into replace it with something within the picture.

     The Clone Stamp Tool:
The clone stamp is what I explained already. This is important so you don't have to go back and select a certain area to cover over.

     The Quick Selection Tool:
The selection tool lets you drag and select a certain part of the photo and replace it with something else you have selected without selecting the whole object. This makes things easier when you want a certain area colored in with something else.

Favorite Skills I learned for Photoshop

Im not sure whether our not if I am going to use these skills for/in the future. My favorite skill is Taking the picture and regroup it with another picture to create something cool. Like the challenge when we had to take a picture to create with a nature picture.

My Strengths and Weaknesses 

     My strengths for this project tutorial was understanding what each tool did for each product(for the most part). Another strength is each of my products turned out to be pretty ok. My weaknesses was to complete each of these products on time. Also that I had a hard time trying to remember what each tool key it was. 

What Would I do Different and Do the Same?

     I would do different is to have my products looks semi decent with the one shown during the tutorial videos. I also would want to have spent more time on each of these products. What I would keep the same is all of my work made from myself than to have it look like the videos product.

General thoughts and Conclusions

     My thoughts is that I learned a lot of new things with photoshop that I may or may not even use in the future of my life or career.