Typography Videos
What I learned:
I learned that typography is more than a bunch of fonts slapped around a piece of paper. Having to use different fonts using emotion towards the product you are working with. Creating a product using negative or positive aspects to show a theme or topic for the reader. There also a set of families for different fonts and also using bold or italics. There are sets for typography, serifs and sans serif. serifs use lines coming out of certain posts of a letter and a sans serifs are the opposite. They don't use any lines sticking out of the letter. you also combine different fonts or families to create a better visual
and blend with the topic.
Biggest Take Away from the Videos:
The biggest take away from the video series is that you can combine different fonts to make something cool out of it. Having to learn that the upper and lower case letters can create a big impact with your work.
Summary of what I learned from the article and three pints that are important:
Create a visual hierarchy with the product for the viewer to like and enjoy so they can but it. having to combine fonts and creating headlines using weight and spacing. Making the viewers eye think how attractive and easy the visual is. mixing serifs and san serifs that can work well together using contrast. Contrast is basically using the weight and space of each font. you also want to use italics and upper or lower case letters to make it appealing.
Favorites and what is valuable for the future?
My favorite thing reading about is how each design creates a story for the reader to understand and relate with the product. Seeing how your work can affect others through emotion. Also using emotion to connect with you and the reader or viewer. What is valuable for the future is how you use typography. Seeing how the fonts contrast with each other. or how fonts can make the design feel alive and such.
Thoughts and conclusion?
My thoughts are realizing how typography is a big deal used for graphic designers. also how its used for a lot of marketing brands and daily life images for other people to enjoy.