Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Graphic Design 2nd Semester Final

2nd Semester Final 

What did I do this semester?

Graphic design students (me) learned how to use typography and using what your learned from 1st and 2nd semester to make a logo. We also learned how to use mock ups for our projects as well. other projects had us create a picture of ourselves using abstract or other methods taught during class. Recent projects had us create envelope designs and business cards. We also made a letterhead for the logo project. 


Logo Design:

This project is pretty straightforward, you take a non well known company and recreate a better logo for the said company. This project took a little over 2 weeks to have a rough sketch of the logos and to choose six to be drawn on Adobe Illustrator. The not choose one logo design to add 2 colors of your choice for to be a official logo. Next is to design a business card, an envelope, and a letterhead. After designing those, you have to make a mockup of uniforms, merchandise, billboards, and a picture of the exterior and interior of the building. The challenges to this project was making the design of the letterhead envelope and the business card (for me). Mostly because it was my first time doing something like this. I learned how to make business cards and letterheads. I changed the look of the final logo design and what colors I wanted the log too look like. My overall opinion and final outcome of the project was pretty good. Other than the challenges I faced, this project was really well done for myself.

Quote Posters:

This project is also pretty straightforward, you have to choose four quotes from anything and use typography and your creative mind to have this quote stand out. First was to choose quotes. For me, I chose quotes form Dizzy Gillespie, Frank Sinatra, Tech N9ne, and Miles Davis. Next was Creating them in Illustrator and that was it. This project took as long as the logo design project. The challenges for this projects was how you wanted the quote poster to look like. You wanted to use colors that compliment each other, and have the typography work with what the quote was. I learned that the quote is the main focus over anything else. The reader needs to see and focus on the quote. Feedback for this project was to keep the quote in focus. have the colors make the font easy to read or it won't be able to read clearly. I change the colors and the big the words were. I hated and loved one I made for this project. Some of the Poster I really hated. 

Poster/ Design style/designer Presentation

These next 2 projects go hand in hand with each other. The poster project was a poster of your designer or movement you were given by the teacher. You were to make a poster the way the movement looked or how the designer would make it. The other project was a presentation of a designer or graphic movement. The powerpoint was to look like the movement or how the designer style was. I had very little challenges other than how I presented my designer because this presentation was timed. I learned about my designer, the designer was Saul Bass. A legend in the movie industry and the graphic world. M overall opinion was positive because I enjoyed making the powerpoint and the poster.

Time Usage during class and on projects:

Time In Class

I used my time on finishing and learning about graphic design and projects.

Finished Early?

If I finished early with projects then I would go back and see if I can make it better. If I'm satisfied the n I would work on other school work. 

Outside of School?

What I do outside of school now is messing around with adobes software and seeing the work of other graphic designers through social media. To get inspired by almost anything I see for these projects and maybe the future for myself.

Area of Strengths as an employee or Graphic Designers/Improvement?

As a graphic designer is to meet the deadline and have the project look as good as you can with the abilities given to as of right now. In the future, it can look 20 times better than your previous work from the past. improvements would to understand how to use the adobe illustrator and photoshop to create something I can make on my own.


Love about his semester?

What I loved for this semester was learning new things as a graphic designer and how I can use these new abilities for the future. I also enjoyed helping my friend for almost all his projects. I loved making some of the projects I mentioned earlier in the post. I also love how I don't have to leave classes during my 3rd and 4th hour. 

Change? Do differently?

What I would change, changes constantly is happening throughout the days, but the biggest would be how I would work for my assignments. Giving more effort and taking the new learnings more seriously. This would also fall under my overall take away from this semester.

Goals and Final thoughts:

Goals for next year would be making better things for this class. Final Thoughts are none.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Marks and Symbols

Marks And Symbols

What Ive learned:

     I learned that there are different types of logos or like certain categories for each logo. One is symbols, which use simple and unique imagery to represent whatever the company is or making. I also learned for logos is that there are disadvantages for each logo typing. Symbol logos are expensive and more complex to explain to people. 

Difference between a symbol and a logo:

     A symbol is an image that represents an object whether it be for a car or for a meaning. It could also represent the sky or the night. Logos use imagery with words to represent companies or other industries. When symbol and logo are used together, they become a combination mark, I say combo mark for convenience. 

Important things to bring up: 

     A logo should compliment itself to make it look appealing to the audience or viewers or however you want to call people. Symbols are the same way, they also should be easy to understand when someone brings up this certain logo/symbol. Lastly, an important thing ti know is to keep it simple and not complicated to follow for the viewer to see when able to identify this symbol/logo.

Favorite thing That I learned over this Article:

     My favorite thing learning in this article is how there are different ways to make a logo. Whether its a typography like logo or using imagery for a use of a logo. And even the logo becoming a combo mark to create something anew. 

General thoughts and questions:

     No questions for me. thoughts would have to be on making a logo to match the product to company the logo/symbol is being used for.

Monday, March 26, 2018


Typography Videos

What I learned:

I learned that typography is more than a bunch of fonts slapped around a piece of paper. Having to use different fonts using emotion towards the product you are working with. Creating a product using negative or positive aspects to show a theme or topic for the reader. There also a set of families for different fonts and also using bold or italics. There are sets for typography, serifs and sans serif. serifs use lines coming out of certain posts of a letter and a sans serifs are the opposite. They don't use any lines sticking out of the letter. you also combine different fonts or families to create a better visual
and blend with the topic. 

Biggest Take Away from the Videos:

The biggest take away from the video series is that you can combine different fonts to make something cool out of it. Having to learn that the upper and lower case letters can create a big impact with your work. 

Summary of what I learned from the article and three pints that are important:

Create a visual hierarchy with the product for the viewer to like and enjoy so they can but it. having to combine fonts and creating headlines using weight and spacing. Making the viewers eye think how attractive and easy the visual is. mixing serifs and san serifs that can work well together using contrast. Contrast is basically using the weight and space of each font. you also want to use italics and upper or lower case letters to make it appealing.

Favorites and what is valuable for the future?

My favorite thing reading about is how each design creates a story for the reader to understand and relate with the product. Seeing how your work can affect others through emotion. Also using emotion to connect with you and the reader or viewer. What is valuable for the future is how you use typography. Seeing how the fonts contrast with each other. or how fonts can make the design feel alive and such. 

Thoughts and conclusion?

My thoughts are realizing how typography is a big deal used for graphic designers. also how its used for a lot of marketing brands and daily life images for other people to enjoy.