Marks And Symbols
What Ive learned:
I learned that there are different types of logos or like certain categories for each logo. One is symbols, which use simple and unique imagery to represent whatever the company is or making. I also learned for logos is that there are disadvantages for each logo typing. Symbol logos are expensive and more complex to explain to people.
Difference between a symbol and a logo:
A symbol is an image that represents an object whether it be for a car or for a meaning. It could also represent the sky or the night. Logos use imagery with words to represent companies or other industries. When symbol and logo are used together, they become a combination mark, I say combo mark for convenience.
Important things to bring up:
A logo should compliment itself to make it look appealing to the audience or viewers or however you want to call people. Symbols are the same way, they also should be easy to understand when someone brings up this certain logo/symbol. Lastly, an important thing ti know is to keep it simple and not complicated to follow for the viewer to see when able to identify this symbol/logo.
Favorite thing That I learned over this Article:
My favorite thing learning in this article is how there are different ways to make a logo. Whether its a typography like logo or using imagery for a use of a logo. And even the logo becoming a combo mark to create something anew.
General thoughts and questions:
No questions for me. thoughts would have to be on making a logo to match the product to company the logo/symbol is being used for.
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