How the Project was Made:
First things first is finding a picture that represents yourself, or me in this case, putting the picture into a layer. Creating a layer for every word you type that represents who you are. Then we have to have the words stand out with the picture than having them plain with a boring font. After that we create a video timeline to have all the words move in different ways. And thats the basic rundown on how my 10 strengths Project was made.
Learning anything new?
I learned on how to use a input a picture into the Photoshop. I also learned how to use a video timeline to make the words move basically on their own. then I was able to render a video to then upload to youtube. Then onto my blog to talk about it.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Monday, September 19, 2016
The Bouncing Smiley Face Arc Animation
Learning about the 7th principle of animation, the Arc. The Arc lets the object your animating have a certain curve resembling a U. Like the smiling ball bounce in an Arc, creating an opening to have an introduction to your animation. Then making a smiley face to merge with the ball to have a smiley face ball. Creating 25 frames and making an arc to have the ball bounce across the screen.
Anything New to learn?
I learned a few new tools and how to merge two layers crating the said smiley face. A new tool is the paint brush and having to make the ground have a gradient (In my case I didn't do it). i also learned about the 7th principle of Animation, that I explained earlier, and by that I mean the summary.
Anything to do differently?
I would have created more frames and using the Stretch and Squash a little better so the animation doesn't look as choppy. Also having the ball look less like the lag you get when you have a bad computer for games.
Want to learn more about the 7th Principle of Animation?
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
First Animation: The Bouncing Ball
Bouncy Ball Animation
The Process of Learning Animation!Learning the basic of animation was pretty fun. What we learned was the different types of animation and the steps on creating a frame to an animation. Mr. Olson taught about the ways of easing in and out. having an object speed up and slow down to have a real effect to the object, like this ball.
Animating the Bouncy Ball Process
Creating the bouncy ball took the help of using PhotoShop. Using all the tools to start creating the sky and the ground. Having to create the ball and using timeline to create frames for the animation.
Also having to edit the ball to create a squash like look for the ball to look realistic. and then boom a ball animation.
Things to Change and Things to Stay
Things that would do to keep the same is everything up to this point, from what we learned and tried even with the little mistakes. Things to change would be nothing, everything is fine the way it is. but maybe not for the next project.
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