What Did I do during 1st Semester?
What kind of Projects?
One of the projects we made during the first semester is making a vector portrait using illustrator. This project has us use the pen tool to create shapes along the picture to make a abstract picture. you can also make the picture as you see fit as well. Another project is making a raccoon, also in illustrator, and then using the raccoon for a holiday card.
How long did each project take?
The Vector portrait had taken at least half a week in on making the face. Then it took the other half week to make the upper half of the body on my picture. It also took an hour to make the neck to have the picture look human. The making of the raccoon took a week to finish and the creating it into a jpeg took an hour. The postcard had taken, I believe a week to make or maybe it was less than half a week. We also had to make a fall like background for the raccoon which took two days.
What were some challenges I faced?
The main challenge I had were using the pen tool and having each pen drawing be put in a layer together. Each shape I had created for its certain layer would always go back to the picture layer. I also had to then realize that you have to complete a shape to have it on its own layer. After realizing that, I was able to have a abstract face. For the raccoon, the hardest challenge was having to fit the shape that falls behind the raccoons eyes. Then having to find a panel that had no directions on finding it.
What Did I learn along the way?
I learned that I favor graphic design over animation. I already learned that video is not a course I would enjoy. I learned more about the tools within photoshop and illustrator. I figured out on how to use the pen tool. Not everything has to be curved.
What was some feedback you were given?
The only feedback I was given over my work in this class was to fix the order of my raccoon for Behance.
What did I change?
I changed the order of the raccoons.
What's my overall opinion on the design process and final outcome of the project?
Other than the raccoon project, most of these were do this how see you see fit. I don't mind this at all, though I never really appreciate the work I create for anything. There are times where I do like my outcomes but that rarely happens. I do like my postcard and how it turned out to become.
How did I use my time during this class?
Time in class?
Mostly creating ideas on each project I've made and finishing them hopefully on time. if I have extra time, I go look up music and other examples on whatever project the class has Been given. I also look up random stuff and proceed to do research over them. Or finish any homework I have for other classes. I don't often work outside of school for graphic design unless its homework that doesn't require adobe such and such. not even research over the projects we have done.
Strengths as and employee or graphic designer, how do I maximize these strengths?
My strengths as a worker or designer would be putting my creative mind into work to have something made how I would want it. Me being able to space my work to suit my own pace when using time management. This kind of class lets me just goes for what I want make.
Things to improve one is actually pacing my time on a deadline. I need to see things more broad and then having to narrow down and decide on what to create. I also should look more into my own designs than having to look on someone else's cartoon.
What did I like over this semester, what to change, goals for 2nd semester, and final thoughts
If we are talking about events that happened in and out of school during this semester, then I didn't like much over this semester. As for G. Design, I enjoyed the projects given out for this semester. If I had to change anything about myself then I'm becoming who I want to be or who I really am. Goals I have for the next semester is to keep up grades over a c-. I also want to at least pass my permit test before second semester ends. And overall have a great time before I graduate high school.
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