Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Castle Maya Project

     In this project, I learned about the software system Maya and what it is used for. I learned the how to create shapes and as the title suggests, a castle. I know the basics on using the light tools to give a realistic look towards the Maya projects we have done so far. How I learned to do this is basically messing around with the tools until I have a basic understanding on what they can do. Being taught helps but actually doing it makes the better experience. I picked this project because I am more proud of this work compared to my other projects, and I had more fun creating a 3d like model from a software based on my design of the castle. I most likely won't use any of the things I learned outside of school or for the future of my career. I have nothing to change over me or the way I work or I won't have anything done period. 

Strengths and Weaknesses/ Improvements 

     My strengths is to turn in my projects on time, the exceptions is the blogs. My weaknesses is to pay more attention towards the teacher. I also need to take notes so I can go back and look over to understand what to do. What to improve on is the weaknesses. 

The Walking Cycle

I learned how to draw my character and scan it into the computer. Then we have the character be placed into photoshop, give it color and place each main body part into layers. After that, we place the photoshop character into a software called after effects. After that, I put the character together and have it start moving. The learning process is the same for everything else when I work on projects. I can use this to enhance my drawing skills and have better ideas for my future career. I would change on how the cycle ended up as but it still turned better than I had hoper for. 

The Polything

     I learned how to use the shapes and how to use the channel box. Having to change size and adding blind color on the polishing. Having to Create a cylinder and duplicate it to have the sphere become abnormal. I understood that you need to have the cylinder shape out the inside out of the sphere to create whatever we made. I also freestyled pos the coloring and the lighting. Oh yea, we used lighting to give it, you know, light. Again, not much to change in regards of this project. 

Walking animation 

    We used the walking cycle character or made your own character and put him into a multiplane cycle. the multiplane is the background the character is walking through. We basically placed it into a cycle of a background. I learned how I did this by watching videos of others and seeing what a multiplane is. I, again won't be using these types of skills into any account for myself or the future. What I want to change is making my character walk correctly and worked more on my multiplane. I personally didn't enjoy making this project mostly because of how I made it into.

The Multiplane

I learned how to make a back round move on its one using multiple layers. How I learned to do this is listening to the teacher and watching Disney use their big freaking machine have a few layers move to have a cool movie animated. There would be nothing I would change over this project.

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