Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Logo Sketching and Illustrator

Logo Sketching:

     Creating my logo when sketching was me literally drawing a car creating tire smoke having the creation of my last name. though I dropped the car because it made the logo a bit to big. Using a tire made the logo look more as a logo then a drawing/ illustration.

Logo Illustrator:

     My logo making in illustrator is the same explanation for my logo in sketch. Having the logo have a wheel (not sure if this design of the wheel already exists) in black with grey tire smoke coming off to create my last name. Reason I used black and grey is because tires are black and smoke resembles smoke.


     My opinions over my logo is honestly, could have been made better. though I'm not as good with using the adobe illustrator as I am in sketching. But either way I could have made the tire better along with my name having an illusion with the smoke coming from the tire.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Flower Drawings

Sketch Drawing: Flowers 


Drawing Twenty Times:

     Drawing twenty different flowers was very similar with all the flowers. Not saying their all the same because they have petals and stems.  Drawing flowers were a lot tougher trying to keep a stable look on each flower. Having which the petals keeping a similar size and the size of the flowers. The uniqueness of each flower did make them really fun and challenging which made it look rewarding. Like the roses I drew or the the flower in the top left of my sketch.

Flowers in Illustrator:

I drew a flower that looked like a flower depending on how you see it. On my sketch, I can tell that the drawing looked like a flower. but when creating the drawing on illustrator, it could look like anything. though I drew this flower because it looked cool and unique than the other flowers. But I don't think you will found this flower in real life. When using colts for the image, nothing really stood out except for the one I chose obviously. 

Monday, February 13, 2017

My Personality Type

My Personality Type:

     My personality type is Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, and perceiving. Or ISFP, and the way I see it is a person who requires alone time to achieve he/she's greatest goals. someone who likes to look out for someone that works in the shadows. Celebrities that share the same personality type are John Travolta, Zac Efron, and Drew Barrymore. 

Does the description match the personality of mine?

     The description that shows my personality type is how I need to be mostly by myself to work at my best. In other words, to be a complete shut in that can get stuff done. Everything else that was in the description didn't describe may personality all that well. 

I honestly didn't need the description to better understand on who I really am. The way I do things can be shown to help me understand. The way I play or work just show who I am or can be in the present or future.

Clarification for the role I play:

     My personality type that plays my role on a team, in my family, or being a part of something is someone who sits in the shadows giving support when they most need it. Though I still need to help in a way that shows I'm supporting my team/family/ anything I can be on.

A Misunderstanding:

     I have probably been mistaken for things that doesn't make true for who I am. Though not sure if its because of my personality type. Like when I'm in school sleeping on my desk, people wonder if I'm depressed. No, I'm just really, really, really, sleepy all the time. People I have Quote issues with would be my brother. Its not because he's just my brother, more than that. We also learned that he is an extravert. Like when he just butts in my business without asking, or is that what siblings just do?

Things I have learned: 

    Things i've learned throughout this project is one, about my personality type. I understand full well about me being a introvert but everything else, I didn't know. Showing how my personality explains the way I interact with other people.

LOBGR Personality Test:

As the name suggests, the LOBGR shows your personality traits with 4 animals. Those being a lion, beaver, otter, and a golden retriever. My strongest personality trait is the golden retriever, which is good at making friends and being very loyal. Retrievers also do not like big changes that need security. Being very sensitive and having a deep relationship, but only having a at least two close friends. My second strongest trait is a beaver, which are very organized. They believe the right way to do everything and want to do it in the book. Beavers are also creative with the desire of solving everything. they don't like sudden change. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Color Theory

Color Wheel

Favorite Color:
   My favorite color is dark grey, reason is because it's a dark color. Though I guess most of the dark colors are my favorite. If you haven't guessed already, I really don't like bright colors. Ill use bright colors if needed but that won't always happen, or in my case anyway. Dark grey is used on most cars including my favorite car. Dark grey has been used in iconic things like super heroes. And by that I mean Batman. And I guess the time where the Blackest Night happened in the DC universe. Anyway that is why I like dark grey.

Least Favorite Color:
     My least favorite color is white, reason because it hurts my eyes. That and I'm used to the dark, not wanting to go outside hissing at the brightness. White is also a very boring color, in my opinion, because it doesn't show something that makes it stand out. Except the fact that its really bright. its like Yin and Yang in a sense since their pretty much each others opposite. Now I can't think of any other reason on why I don't like white. 

Color Theory:

       Color theory is the way to show energy and creation towards logos and drawings, etc. It can show the artistic ability in peoples drawings following dark or bright colors. Having the use of shade or tint colors. the creativity using the three main colors of the color wheel, Red, Blue and yellow. Also the use of secondary colors, which are violet, green and orange. Then mixing secondary and primary colors for tertiary colors.